Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Cravings for Kimchi

I remember somebody mentioning 'kimchi' to me about five years ago. At the time I didn't know what they were talking about but the word 'kimchi' always stuck in my mind.
Kimchi is a Korean delicacy made up of fermented cabbage, carrots, garlic, salt, vinegar and other spices. It wasn't until recently that I decided I would buy my own jar and give it a try. I knew by my first taste that it was in love. What is amazing about kimchi is that it can be eaten with many dishes and every time you eat kimchi you are helping to promote a healthy stomach. I read an article recently that mentioned kimchi can also prevent hangovers. Wow a superfood that can prevent hangovers. That is fantastic. The article continues to say that it is important to eat the kimchi before and after drinking.
More importantly kimchi is high in vitamin K and B, lowers cholesterol levels, maintains healthy eyesight and vision, produces radiant skin and shiny hair, prevents stomach cancer, slows down aging, helps to lose weight, boosts the immune system, and gets rid of free radicals in your body.
When you look at all the benefits from eating this delicious dish who would not have a craving for kimchi.
I highly recommend trying Green Table Foods version of kimchi. This kimchi is NON-GMO, vegan, gluten free, raw, enzyme-rich, wild lacto-fermented and has no additives. It is also Canadian!

I purchase mine at Whole Food Market for about $6-$7. 

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Gut Busters

Who doesn't want a healthy gut? I know I do. How does one get a healthy gut? Lisa Budd is the owner of Budding Nutrition and Gut Busters. She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, nutritional coach and wellness coach. She has a passion for educating the public on nutrition, weight management and daily cleasening.
Her powerful digestive mixture with nutritional ingredients will assist you with all of these important health concerns. Her recipe includes simple ingredients that you can easily pronounce such as chia seeds, quinoa, buckwheat groats, golden flaxseed, bee pollen, dried apricots, pumpkin seeds, cloves, cinnamon, sea salt, coconut sugar and of course walnuts. 
Gut Busters helps to lower heart disease, promote weight loss, remove toxins, tone muscles, lower blood sugar and improve sleep. 
I absolutely loved the taste of her mixture and found it easy to add to smoothies or cereal. 
Having worked in the culinary industry and gained experience from talented chefs including Mark McEwan, Lisa was inspired to produce and create a mixture to help herself and others with the digestive system. 
In the next couple of years Lisa plans to be releasing some DIY programs for the public. For more information about Gut Busters please check out
Thanku Lisa, you are inspiring.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing has been a traditional and natural health practice for centuries.  It is an effective and portable method of unclogging pores and removing toxins that have been trapped in the skin. I was first introduced to dry brushing about six years ago by my naturopathic doctor.  She introduced me to the many health benefits of dry brushing. I had no idea that dry brushing promoted lymphatic support, removed dead skin cells, cleaned your pores, increased energy, and diminished and decreased cellulite.

Cellulite! Now you're talking. I've spent many years and hundreds of dollars on different cellulite creams that promised to decrease cellulite. To learn that dry brushing, which is affordable and easy, is a natural way of decreasing cellulite, spoke to me.

When looking for a great dry brush, look for one with natural bristles. Make sure you find one that has a long handle so it makes it easy to reach areas on your back. When dry brushing, be gentle on your skin. Don't be too rough. The best time of the day to dry brush is early in the morning before you shower. Make sure to apply a natural lotion on your skin afterwards.  

How do you dry brush?  I typically start at my ankles and brush in the direction towards my heart. I use small circular motions and move upwards on my leg towards my stomach. Then, I make sure to do my armpits arms and neck.  Next,  I will brush the back of my legs and back.   Finally, I never forget to brush my areas of cellulite. 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Lemon Meringue Pie

I have always adored to my grandmother's lemon meringue pie that she used to make for me when I was a little girl.  After she passed away in 2008, I regret not taking the time to have learned her recipe for myself. I miss her pie and decided to put "baking a lemon meringue pie" on my bucket list. A family friend shared her recipe for a homemade pie with me. I took her recipe and I made my very first lemon meringue pie. It was delicious and I felt as though I had accomplished something for myself. I'd like to take this time to share this recipe and inspire you to revisit your own bucket list or bake/ cook something for yourself.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

1/2 a cup of cornstarch
1 1/2 cups of sugar
2 cups of water
5 egg yolks beaten (save the whites for the meringue)
Stir in a bowl and then bring to a boil for 8 to 10 minutes making sure that you continuously stir the mixture.

Then add a 1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 lemon juice from lemons
1 teaspoon of lemon peel
2 tablespoons of butter or margarine
Then combine with your filling and keep stirring until smooth and thick.
Remove from heat and pour the filling into a baked pastry shell.

In another bowl whip egg whites until foamy. Add a 1/4 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of water, the egg whites, 2tsp of corn starch and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Whisk until meringue thickens and spread over pie, sealing the edges at the crust. Add your peak using a fork.
Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes, or until meringue is golden brown.
Remove, let cool and enjoy.


Carmen - A Tapas Moment
I have always been a huge fan of Tapas ever since I visited Spain in 2012. I was excited to be introduced to another unique Tapas restaurant in Toronto called Carmen.  This hidden gem is located on 922 Queens Street West. When I first walked into the restaurant, I noticed the restaurant was long and trendy. The layout of the restaurant pulled me and invited me to walk towards the middle where I noticed the hostess was standing. Naturally, once I was seated, I ordered a refreshing red wine Sangria that was delivered in a mason jar. I first started my Spanish experience with a large order of ‘warm olives and roasted almonds. After snacking on this delicious appetizer, I tried the “Tentempie de Ceriche” (white fish cheviche Boston Lettuce Tacos) which was light and flavourful. There was a refreshing burst of flavours that tantalized my taste buds. Yum! Next I ordered the “Ensalada de Col Rizadacon Queso Salad.” This salad contained one of my favourite greens, kale. It also had fresh ricotta, pine nuts, and breaded poached ‘PeeWee Egg.’
I had the pleasure of meeting the owner, Luis, who gave me the history of his restaurant and explained the unique seating style of his establishment. Carmen is set up for patrons to enjoy different experiences every time they visit the restaurant. He has the bar set up for those wanting to stop by for a quick drink and a few tapas dishes while on the go. Next he has a tables set up along the side with two seats for couples to relax and have a view of the bar and the windows looking onto the streets. When you walk farther into Carmen you can select from intimate areas for a romantic experience or seats facing the open kitchen. For larger groups, Luis has open concept tables with backless chairs to encourage ‘sharing’ tapas dishes and conversations. Either experience or feeling that you are going for, Carmen has the place to entertain you.
Like any great Spanish restaurant, Carmen offers a wide selection of traditional paellas and Spanish artifacts around the space. I was drawn into the stunning map of Spain that was posted on the wall where I was sitting and the “Chefs” hard at work in the open concept kitchen.
I loved the intimate setting, the dim lighting, the food, the service, the clean washrooms and the uniqueness of Carmen. This is a must “experience” restaurant to visit with your girlfriends or significant other. Carmen has truly captured the true experience of understanding the purpose of a tapas restaurant. A serving of tapas is designed to be small enough to encourage conversation. By serving smaller portions to patrons, there is less focus on eating all the food that is set before them. This gorgeous restaurant is sure to inspire positive bonds with your friends and perhaps inspire you to take a trip to Spain. Thank- you Luis. You are an inspiring.

By: Sara Mody

Kimberley's Own -Granola

            I met Kimberley at the CFRA show on March 2 at the Exhibition Centre in Toronto. After speaking to Kimberley and discovering her passion for food and nutrition, she informed me that she was also a picky eater and she wanted to create a delicious, healthy snack.  Kimberley owns her own line of gourmet cereals and granola. Her products are high in fiber, protein, cholesterol free and zero added sodium. She informed me that her journey with food began by creating baskets of cookies and goodies for her friends and family as Christmas gifts. With the support and encouragement of friends and family she decided to follow her passion.
            Using her culinary background and kinesiology degree, she created her own line of healthy granola. Her original blends are gluten free, wheat free, soy free, dairy free and are safe for those with celiac conditions.
            What inspired me about Kimberley’s story was hearing her explain how she fought with Kellogg’s to keep her trademark for company. She could not afford a lawyer at that time and made up her mind to take on Kellogs by herself. After a long battle, Kimberley won the case and was able to keep her trademark. Way to go Kimberley. When inquired, Kimberley’s words of encouragement for women in fulfilling their dreams were “Don’t give up! Keep going!” Her website provides the health benefits of her three delicious blends, recipes and locations all over Toronto on where to purchase her products.

Check out Kimberley’s website at

I am excited to try out her Apple and Pear Crumble with her Original Blend.
Thank you Kimberley, you are inspiring
By Sara Mody

Myra Aso

Every year, I attend the Green Living show at the Direct Energy Centre with my girlfriends. It is a fantastic way to spend a Sunday bonding with your girlfriends and educating yourself on healthy and environmentally friendly products. I enjoy tasting, smelling, touching and learning about an endless number of products for my healthy, body and soul.

I had the pleasure of discovering a natural hair and skin company set up on a corner booth.

What? Skin care products that  are natural? I am already sold. I met a stunning entrepreneur named Myra who has launched her own hair and skin care company called Myra Aso. Her Canadian company offers products ranging from hair, skin creams, oils and serums made with a magical ingredient called marula oil. I had never heard of this oil before. Myra informed me that the oil is a natural soothing treatment that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by hydrating and rejuvenating the skin. WHAT!  You had me at wrinkles. This oil also contains a great deal of antioxidants and omega acids, not to mention I found the scent to be refreshing. The antioxidants found in marula oil can also be ingested.

I was inspired to find out that not only is she a mother and a wife but she has created this remarkable beauty product by herself. Her passion for educating people about health, natural beauty products and skin care really shines through when she speaks about her products.

Myra’s generosity shined through when she gave me a bottle of oil to use and accepted my blogging business card. I have been using her oil on the ends of my hair and believe it or not but also around my eyes. I really enjoy the smell and the texture of the oil. I find that it glides on easily and soaks into my skin within a few minutes. I feel great that I am using a natural product on my skin and supporting a Canadian company that promotes natural beauty.

Thank you Myra for inspiring and educating me on a product that make me feel good. You are inspiring!

Please check out her website at

By Sara Mody

Joyous Health

Joyous Health: Eat Well Without Dieting is one of the best cookbooks I have ever bought. The book is written by Joy McCarthy. She is a certified holistic nutritionist that has inspired me to take my eating to a whole new level. I was inspired by the wonderful photographs and all of the amazing health tips that are found within this cookbook. For me it's not just a cookbook with easy nutritional recipes but also a cookbook that offers tips and suggestions for overall healthy living. This cookbook is very colorful and inviting.
My goal this year is to strengthen and repair my liver and improve my digestive system. Joyous Health has simplified the process for me and helped me to understand the steps I need to take to improve my health with easy and fun recipes by making simple changes to my lifestyle. Every week I look forward to trying out a new receipe and making her receipes a part of my eating routine. I also signed up for Joy's fantastic newsletter online where I receive updated articles on many different health issues and upcoming events within the area. I will be attending the Toronto International Book Fair this weekend to see Joy speak. Please cross your fingers for me because I hoping to have the opportunity to have Joy sign my book and thank her in person when I attend the event.
After reading this cookbook, I now have a jar of coconut oil and tahini paste in my cupboard at all times. Delicious.
This cookbook would make a wonderful Christmas present for a friend who loves cooking and wants to improve their health. This cookbook is more than just a cookbook. It's inspiring, educational, fun and offers an interactive journey to changing how you look at food, health issues and your body.
I love her Detox Chickpea Salad and her Carrot Ginger Soup.
Thank you Joy. You are inspiring!

By Sara Mody

Sacred Gemstone

I met Kelly Brown at the annual Gem Expo in downtown Toronto. She owns her own gemstone company called Sacred Gemstone. She creates one of a kind pieces of jewelry using handmade crystal and semi-precious gemstones.  Her table also displayed a large  variety  of crystals from all over the world including India.  It was colourful and eye catching. Kelly offers mineral specimens, semi-precious stones, cabochons, and crystal healing kits.  She is extremely knowledgeable in the healing properties of each stone. She informed me that she is studying to be a Certified Nutritional Practitioner at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto
According to Sacred Gemstone's website, Kelly offers personal crystal healing kits, Chakra balancing with crystals, anxiety and stress management incorporating crystals and nutritional healing protocols. If you are interested in any of these services, please send her an email if you are interested to and she will get back to you. 
Kelly shared her personal story of how she started her own business and her passion for gemstones with me. Kelly has a warm and friendly personality. Her patience in helping people find the "right" stone is evident when you first meet her. Kelly is truly inspiring. She is a young, entrepreneur who followed her passion and is still continuing to learn and grow to help others using natural medicines and alternatives. Kelly, you are inspiring!
Please follow her at
instagram : @sacredgemstonegypsy

By Sara Mody

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Crazy Corn

What can I say about popcorn? Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks to munch. I love eating popcorn during a meeting, before going to bed, or while watching a scary movie. I first discovered Crazy Corn at the Delicious Food Show last year. This Gourmet Handcrafted Caramel Popcorn is not only tender but the choice of flavors are simply amazing.  What also amazes me about this popcorn is it is Ontario grown, pesticide and GMO free popping corn. 'GMO Free'  is a standard that I have recently started looking for in my food and drink products. Their caramel corn is free of artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. It is the perfect gluten free snack.
I was exciting for me to meet the founder of the company, Andrea Pollard, at a taping of You Gotta Eat Here at Lisa Marie located on Queen West, Toronto. I was able to express how much I loved her popcorn in person and became inspired to promote her product.
Crazy Corn  has amazing flavors such as Red Hot Lover, Chocolate Craze, Mint Condition, Java Nice Day, Fireside S'mores, UFO, and my favorite, Marg N' Rita.

Where can you get this delicious popcorn? You can visit or check out their Facebook Page.

They also offer custom Caramel Popcorn creations for parties and events.

By: Sara Mody