Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Kimberley's Own -Granola

            I met Kimberley at the CFRA show on March 2 at the Exhibition Centre in Toronto. After speaking to Kimberley and discovering her passion for food and nutrition, she informed me that she was also a picky eater and she wanted to create a delicious, healthy snack.  Kimberley owns her own line of gourmet cereals and granola. Her products are high in fiber, protein, cholesterol free and zero added sodium. She informed me that her journey with food began by creating baskets of cookies and goodies for her friends and family as Christmas gifts. With the support and encouragement of friends and family she decided to follow her passion.
            Using her culinary background and kinesiology degree, she created her own line of healthy granola. Her original blends are gluten free, wheat free, soy free, dairy free and are safe for those with celiac conditions.
            What inspired me about Kimberley’s story was hearing her explain how she fought with Kellogg’s to keep her trademark for company. She could not afford a lawyer at that time and made up her mind to take on Kellogs by herself. After a long battle, Kimberley won the case and was able to keep her trademark. Way to go Kimberley. When inquired, Kimberley’s words of encouragement for women in fulfilling their dreams were “Don’t give up! Keep going!” Her website provides the health benefits of her three delicious blends, recipes and locations all over Toronto on where to purchase her products.

Check out Kimberley’s website at

I am excited to try out her Apple and Pear Crumble with her Original Blend.
Thank you Kimberley, you are inspiring
By Sara Mody

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